MitraClip™ Implant: What You Need to Know
Monday, August 24, 2020
MitraClip™ Implant Questions and Answers
1. What is mitral valve regurgitation?
a. This occurs when the mitral valve flap in your heart does not work correctly, allowing blood to leak backwards into the heart.
2. Are there symptoms?
a. You may be symptom free, or suffer from one or more of the following including a mild cough, lightheadedness, fatigue, shortness of breath that increases with activity and lying down or rapid heartbeat.
3. Is mitral valve regurgitation dangerous?
a. There are two forms of mitral valve regurgitation. Degenerative mitral regurgitation is when a valve is damaged. The damage can be from a birth defect, certain infections or aging. Degenerative mitral regurgitation can lead to strokes.
4. Who are candidates for MitraClip?
a. MitraClip can help, if you have degenerative mitral regurgitation and are considered high risk for surgery. MitraClip is a solution for functional mitral disease if treatments did not help.
5. What happens during the procedure?
a. The MitraClip implant is a one time, minimally invasive procedure. The implant is inserted through a vein in your upper leg and guided to your heart, where it is attached to your mitral valve.
General anesthesia is used so you will be asleep during the procedure.
6. How does MitraClip help?
a. After the MitraClip is attached to the malfunctioning mitral valve in your heart, it will help the valve to close properly and restore normal blood flow through the heart.
7. What happens after the procedure?
a. You will stay in the hospital for one to three days. After the implant, you will take a blood thinner and aspirin. A checkup will occur in 30 days and at one year.
8. Who is on the procedure team?
a. A trained and experienced team of physicians make up the MitraClip team. The team includes Kinan Kassar, M.D., Interventional Cardiologist, Mahmoud Farhoud, M.D., Cardiologist Imaging Specialist and Selomie Kebede, M.D., Cardiologist Imaging Specialist. Each of these physicians are part of the Genesis Heart & Vascular Group.

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