Sleep Medicine
If you have trouble falling asleep at night or your loved ones complain about your snoring, you might have a sleep disorder. Turn to Genesis Sleep Disorders Center for a comprehensive evaluation, diagnosis and treatment plan to help you feel rested and refreshed.
AASM Accredited Sleep Facility
Trust Genesis Sleep Disorders Center for high-quality sleep care with the latest technology and treatments for our sleep disorders patients. Genesis Sleep Disorders Center was granted facility reaccreditation by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM). To receive this five-year designation, our sleep facility demonstrates commitment to high quality, patient-centered care through adherence to the national standards set by the AASM.

As the leading voice in the sleep field, the AASM sets standards and promotes excellence in sleep medicine health care, education, and research. The AASM-accredited facility designation has been granted to our Sleep Disorders Center since 1993.
To view the official Letter of Accreditation from the AASM, click here.
Common Sleep Disorders We Treat
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is blockage of the airway that occurs during sleep. The blockage happens due to excess tissue in the airway (tongue, palate, uvula, tonsils) that relaxes during sleep and then crowds into the airway. This lack of breathing leads to a drop in oxygen, which then causes you to wake up to breathe. The process occurs repeatedly during the night, resulting in a lack of sleep and stress on your heart and body organs. Many people with untreated OSA experience the following symptoms: daytime sleepiness, fatigue, depression, irritability, mood disorders, elevated blood pressure, obesity and difficulty losing weight, morning headaches, snoring and insomnia. If left untreated, OSA can increase your risk for heart attack, stroke, type 2 diabetes, atrial fibrillation, coronary artery disease and congestive heart failure.
Chronic Insomnia is difficulty with falling asleep and/or staying asleep that occurs at least 3 times per week for at least 3 months, and isn't caused by another sleep disorder. Many people who have undiagnosed OSA will complain of difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep.
Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD) is a frequent, periodic, flexing of a limb, usually a leg or foot, during sleep. These movements can be mild and not wake the person up, or they can be severe enough that they can frequently disrupt your sleep cycle. These are sometimes associated with a low iron level, conditions of the legs, such as varicose veins or neuropathy of diabetes, injury of the leg, such as knee/joint replacement, and kidney disease.
Could I have a sleep disorder?
You may benefit from an evaluation at Genesis Sleep Disorders Center if you:
Snore loudly
Occasionally stop breathing or gasp for breath during sleep.
Feel sleepy or doze off while watching TV, reading, driving or engaging in daily activities.
Have trouble falling asleep, wake frequently, wake too early or wake feeling unrefreshed three or more nights each week.
Experience unpleasant tingling, creeping or nervous feelings in your legs when trying to sleep.
Are easily or frequently awakened by nighttime heartburn, bad dreams, pain, discomfort, noise, light or temperature complaints.
Home Sleep Apnea Testing
If you don’t have a serious medical condition, you may qualify for home sleep testing (HST) for obstructive sleep apnea. You’ll sleep in the comfort of your own bed while wearing special, portable equipment that monitors your breathing. The results are downloaded, scored by a technician who studies sleep patterns, and reviewed by a board-certified sleep physician.
Feel confident in your home testing because:
We’re accredited by the AASM for home sleep apnea testing.
You’ll receive detailed instructions and access to a registered sleep therapist whom you can call anytime with questions.
Treatments for Sleep Disorders
Depending on your specific condition, your sleep improvement care plan may include:
Developing a bedtime routine.
Creating a restful sleeping environment (i.e., turning off TV and keeping the room cool and dark).
Making dietary changes, such as avoiding caffeine before bedtime.
Using a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine to help open your airways and to breathe more easily during sleep.
Learn more about sleep apnea
Visit our health library to learn about common sleep problems, including insomnia and sleep apnea.