Hot and Bothered

Hot and Bothered

Thursday, June 2, 2022


Heatstroke and heat exhaustion or not interchangeable. They are two different conditions and have two different levels of severity. Do you know the differences?   


  1. Which condition is more serious?  

                   Heatstroke     or      Heat exhaustion 

  1. Which condition makes the skin red, hot and dry, even in the armpits?  

                   Heatstroke     or      Heat exhaustion 

  1. Which condition includes symptoms of moderate to severe difficulty breathing?  

                   Heatstroke     or      Heat exhaustion 

  1. Which condition causes confusion, restlessness or anxiety?  

                   Heatstroke     or      Heat exhaustion 

  1. Which condition requires emergency treatment?  

                   Heatstroke     or      Heat exhaustion 


The correct answer to all of these is heatstroke. A heatstroke can develop without exertion when a person is exposed to a hot environment and the body is unable to cool itself effectively. This is a life-threatening condition requiring emergency medical treatment. If you suspect it, call 911 and get the victim out of the heat and cool them down by any means possible. If the patient is conscious and not vomiting, give them fluids to drink.  


Heat exhaustion is caused by excessive sweating, which results in depletions of salt and fluid. This leads to low blood pressure, muscle cramps and nausea. It is prevented by staying hydrated and avoiding prolonged exposure to high temperatures. It can usually be treated quickly and effectively with shade, fluids and rest.  



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