A letter from our President and CEO | LiveWell Winter 2025
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
You can count on us
At Genesis, we care about your well-being and will help you meet your health needs by ensuring you receive exceptional medical care close to home. We continue to recruit exceptional physicians and adopt the newest innovative technologies. In this issue of LiveWell, you can read about our latest advancements in serving you.
The Genesis Heart & Vascular Institute recently became the first in Ohio to acquire a Veriton-Spect CT scanner, specifically used in heart care. This new equipment provides our expert cardiologists with the highest-quality images of your heart for the most precise diagnosis.
The Genesis Heart & Vascular Institute is also among the first in the state to use tiny drug-coated balloons to treat patients whose heart stent has started to close over time. This innovative, minimally invasive approach delivers medicine to a narrowed artery that was previously stented. This procedure restores proper blood flow to your heart and significantly reduces the risk of future blockages.
These latest advancements in medical care help us deliver high-quality heart care as a Top 50 Heart Hospital in the nation for the second year in a row, as rated by Fortune Magazine and PINC AI. Learn more heart-healthy information in this issue and on our Facebook page as we honor American Heart Month in February.
The future of hospice care
For the past 35 years, the Genesis Hospice Care program has served thousands of families through the Morrison House, the region’s only dedicated inpatient hospice facility.
For anyone who has ever had a loved one at the Morrison House, you know the lasting impact this program has for families during the most difficult of times.
Well, the current Morrison House building has reached the very end of its useful life and must be replaced. We have decided to build a new replacement inpatient facility to serve our patients and families for decades to come. In this issue, learn about the capital campaign we have started to fund the replacement of this special place.
Keeping you healthy
Read about six new physicians ready to serve you, including Christopher Leibold, D.O., with the Genesis Orthopedic Group, focusing on partial and total knee replacements and anterior hip replacement.
You’ll also meet Dean Daniels, who received life-saving heart surgery at Genesis. Dean encourages you to learn about your family health history to share with your doctors.
We wish you a healthy 2025. Thank you for your continued trust in Genesis.
In good health,
Matthew J. Perry
President & CEO