Coordinated cancer care close to home
Coordinated Care

Coordinated cancer care close to home

    Tuesday, January 21, 2025


Halle Schoener Randles had no symptoms of cancer. In fact, she wouldn’t have known about the critical care she needed if she hadn’t sought treatment for a kidney stone.

A concerning spot was found on Halle’s liver. Following a biopsy and PET scan, she was diagnosed with neuroendocrine cancer in November 2023.

“You get nervous fast,” said Halle. “It’s intimidating to navigate when your head is spinning from the diagnosis.”

Neuroendocrine cancer is rare and can form in any part of the body. Tumors grow at varying rates. Some tumors result in extra hormones, while others don’t produce any hormones or enough hormones to result in symptoms.

Halle soon had surgery. Two 1-centimeter tumors were removed from her small intestine. Her gallbladder, appendix, half of her liver and over 3 feet of her small intestine were also removed. Her doctors estimated the tumors had been slowly growing over the last 7 to 10 years.

The road to recovery

Following surgery, Halle began treatment at the Genesis Cancer Care Center with Scott Wegner, M.D., Fellowship-trained and Board-certified Hematologist/Oncologist and Chief Medical Officer, and Andrew Espenlaub, D.O., Fellowship-trained and Board-certified Palliative Care Specialist.

Halle’s treatment plan did not require chemotherapy or radiation. However, when she learned that palliative care was recommended, she was concerned that palliative care meant the same as hospice.

“Palliative care differs from hospice as hospice is for patients with less than six months of life,” said Dr. Espenlaub. “Palliative care can help manage pain after major surgery for patients like Halle.”

Multiple doctors work together in palliative care to treat patients with symptoms of long-term illnesses. Palliative care involves physical and emotional treatment, including options for medication management, counseling, and social and spiritual support.

“The Genesis doctors answered all my questions,” said Halle. “Everyone was encouraging and supportive.”

Local treatment

Halle values the coordinated treatment she has received from the Genesis Cancer Care Center. She currently has check-ups every three months, which include a CT scan and meetings with Drs. Wegner and Espenlaub. Halle also receives monthly injections to manage hormones.

“I see everyone on my medical team during each visit,” said Halle. “You get personal care at Genesis.” – Halle Schoener Randles

Dr. Espenlaub said the oncology and palliative care teams have a close relationship. “We try to see patients the same day,” said Dr. Espenlaub. “We were one of the first programs in the state to have an embedded palliative care program in our Cancer Care Center.”

Halle appreciates that her appointments are completed within a few hours. “Genesis is a mile from my home,” said Halle. “It’s wonderful that I only need to take a half-day off work for treatment.”

A positive outlook

Dr. Espenlaub says listening to patients throughout their treatment is an important part of healing. “Genesis is a personal experience,” said Dr. Espenlaub. “Patients realize we care and they’re part of a family.”

As a proud middle school principal, Halle said returning to work has also helped her recovery. She currently doesn’t have any evidence of cancer but is continuing monthly injections and ongoing check-ups.

Halle is thankful for the Genesis Cancer Care Center.

“To offer neuroendocrine cancer treatment in Southeastern Ohio is amazing,” said Halle. “I’m beyond grateful for the care I’ve received.”

Andrew Espenlaub, D.O.

Andrew Espenlaub, D.O.

Fellowship-trained and Board-certified Palliative Care Specialist

Genesis Cancer Care Center

Understanding palliative care

Palliative care is offered to comfort patients and their families dealing with serious illnesses. Palliative care doesn’t mean end-of-life care.

Palliative care can help you and your family by:

• Managing pain and symptoms that come with serious illnesses.

• Offering support and guidance in making difficult medical decisions.

• Working with your physicians to ensure you’re getting the best care.

• Providing emotional and spiritual support for you and your family.

Palliative care is available for these conditions:

• Advanced heart disease

• Advanced liver or kidney disease

• Advanced lung diseases

• Cancer

• Stroke or neurological disease


Talk to your doctor about how palliative care can help you and your family.

Learn more at

Genesis is a Top 100 Hospital in the nation for the third year in a row, as rated by Fortune Magazine and PINC AI.

Top 100 Hospital